Final Activity Using Pixton:
Activity Title: "Create Your Own Comic Strip – English Conversations"
- The objective of this activity is to encourage students to practice English conversation skills while using a creative, fun tool to visualize the dialogue. This helps them develop writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills in English.
- Start by reviewing the common English phrases and conversation structures (greetings, asking questions, ordering food, etc.) that students have learned so far.
- Students will create a comic strip using Pixton, featuring at least two characters. They will write a short conversation between these characters on a topic of their choice, such as "A Day at the Market," "Meeting Friends at a Café," or "Asking for Directions."
- Step 1: Log in to Pixton and choose a template for the comic strip.
- Step 2: Create the characters (name them and give them different personality traits).
- Step 3: Write the dialogue between the characters in the comic bubbles, ensuring proper use of the English phrases and grammar.
- Step 4: Once the comic strip is ready, students can present it to the class, explaining the context and the dialogue used.
- After presenting their comics, each student will briefly reflect on the vocabulary or expressions they learned and how they used them in the comic.
Assessment Criteria:
- Proper use of English grammar and phrases.
- Creativity and originality in the comic.
- Participation in the class presentation.
- This activity should take approximately 45 minutes: 20 minutes to create the comic, 15 minutes to present, and 10 minutes for reflection.