1st cycle
2nd cycle
3rd cycle
- Hello.
- Good morning/afternoon.
- Can I go to the toilet, please?
- Can I stand up?
- Can I come in?
- Come in.
- Point to… (door, window, floor, desk)
- Sit down/Stand up.
- Touch your… (body).
- Close your eyes.
- Turn around.
- Jump.
- How many…?

- Hello/Hi.
- Good morning/afternoon.
- Can I go to the toilet, please?
- Can I stand up?
- Can I come in? Come in.
- Point to… (door, window, floor, desk)
- Sit down/Stand up.
- Touch your… (body).
- Close your eyes.
- Turn around/Jump.
- How many…?
- Can I borrow your…, please?
- Yes, here you are.
- How do you spell…?
- What is it?
- What´s the date? Today is…
- Claps your hands.
- Hello/Hi.
- Good morning/afternoon.
- Can I go to the toilet, please?
- Can I stand up?
- Can I come in? Come in.
- Point to… (door, window, floor, desk)
- Sit down/Stand up.
- Touch your… (body).
- Close your eyes.
- Turn around/Jump.
- How many…?
- Can I borrow your…, please?
- Yes, here you are.
- How do you spell…?
- What is it?
- What´s the date? Today is…
- Claps your hands.

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