FIRST GRADE  1st Grade
THIRD Grade   3rd Grade
1.- What is your name?
2.- How old are you?
3.- How are you?
4.- What is your favourite … (colour, number, animal, food, toy)?
5.- Do you like…?
(Yes, I do/No, I don´t)

6.- What time is it? (o´clock)
7.- What´s the weather like today?
8.- What day is it today?

1.- What is your name?
2.- How old are you?
3.- How are you?
4.- What is your favourite … (colour, number, animal, food, toy)?
5.- Do you like…?
(Yes, I do/No, I don´t)
6.- Where do you live?

7.- What time is it? (o´clock, half past)
8.- What´s the weather like today?
9.- What day/season is it today?
1.- First and second grade questions.
2.- What´s your favourite… (colour, number, animal, food, toy, film)?
3.- Have you got a…?
4.- Can you… (play, swim, etc.)?
5.- What are you wearing?
6.- How many brothers or sisters have you got?
7.- Can I have/borrow your…?
8.- Where is the ? It´s (on, under, in)…
9.- What time is it? (o´clock, half past, a quarter past, a quarter to)
4TH GRADE  4th Grade (1st,2nd,3rd)
5TH GRADE  5th Grade (1st, 2nd,3rd,4th)
6th  GRADE  (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th)
1.- What´s your favourite (subject, book, sport)?
2.- Have you got blue eyes/short hair?
3.- Have you got a pet?
4.- When´s your birthday?
5.- Have you got a…?
6.- Can you…?
7.- What are  you wearing?
8.- How many brothers or sisters…?
9.- Where is the…?
10.- Can I have/borrow your…?
11.- What time is it? (o´clock, half past, a quarter to, a quarter past, to, past)
1.- What is your favourite (day of the week, day at school, month, season, teacher)
2.- What time is it? (o´clock, half past, a quarter to, a quarter past, to, past)
3.- Where are you from?
4.- Have you got any brothers or sisters?
5.- How do you go to school?
6.- What time do you have…(breakfast/English)?
7. What´s your (mother´s) name?
8.- What colour is/are your hair/eyes?
1.- What is your favourite … (colour, number, animal, day of the week, day at school, month, season, food, subject, teacher, film, book)
2.- What´s (someone) like?
3.- Are you taller than?
4.- Is (someone) more intelligent than (someone)?
5.- What do you do?
6.- What do you want to be?
7.- What´s your telephone number?
8.- What do you have for…breakfast?
9.- What did you do at the weekend?

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